
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Elizabeth Taylor

Lindsay Lohan May Play Elizabeth Taylor in TV Movie

Lindsay Lohan Elizabeth Taylor - Lohan to play Elizabeth Taylor? Lindsay Lohan has been called a lot of things over the course of her career. But now the troubled starlet may be looking to add "Elizabeth Taylor" to the list. Lohan is reportedly in discussions with the network Lifetime to play Taylor in a biopic titled "Elizabeth & Richard: A Love Story".
I honestly hope this all just a ploy to drum up publicity for Lifetime, because the news I'm about to share is rather maddening. Lindsay Lohan is in talks to play the legendary actress, Elizabeth Taylor, in a Lifetime movie. While I do acknowledge that Lifetime isn't always known for lending the highest levels of reality to its original movies, can we all agree that letting Lohan take on the Taylor legacy is just a little indecent?
Let's couple this notion with the fact that the movie isn't a general biopic, instead it is aimed at the screen siren's on-again-off-again romance with Richard Burton and bears the title Elizabeth & Richard: A Love Story. It's one of the most classic of all Hollywood romances and I'm just not sure putting Lohan in the role is right for it. Aside from her own Hollywood legacy, Lohan hasn't exactly shown her acting chops very consistently or to great affect in recent years. Then again, we're talking about a Lifetime movie - not a big screen adaptation.
Then there's the notion that people have been comparing the pair for years considering their smouldering semi-resemblance and the fact that neither could manage to escape media frenzy surrounding their personal lives. They both went from child stars to adult actresses and they both had overbearing stage mothers, but only one of them ended up in stealing jewelry, taking pictures with guns and knives, and going to rehab more often than the nail salon. The other is a true American icon. Guess which one Lohan is.

While I'm obviously pretty dubious about handing over the legacy of an icon to Lohan, I'll put on an air of positivity for just a second and say maybe this is her shot to show us that she can do more than walk around naked and dress like a nun in Machete. Maybe underneath all the scandal and attempted sex appeal, there is a good actress who can lend the character some depth. Or maybe Lifetime will further drown its own reputation by casting her in this role.

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